The Song You Will Be Singing All Summer

“I Just Get So High Call Me Metlife” 

Get your playlists ready because H20daweatherman is raining in hits again! This time he is making waves with his newest unreleased single “Metlife” and WoW is the only reaction we can get from our team. This new trendy party style is sure to be a summer favorite for 2020 music lovers.. I can see it now, riding down the strip jamming to this up-tempo live your life to the fullest anthem. 

We discovered (Daweatherman) as our team calls him back in January 2020, when he was promoting his current new release “Mobbin” which was a bass heavy club banger. Since his release of Mobbin he has been placed on several new stacked playlists such as (Hot Spot – Hip Hop, The Grind – Hip Hop, and NHHR Heaters – Hip Hop). While also doing over 50k streams on other platforms in the last 2 months. With the short time he has been releasing music its sure to say H20daweatherman is here to stay!

Metlife” is set to be released on all platforms May 28, 2020 and is currentlyavailable for pre-order/Pre-save. H20daweatherman has also made it possible to purchase this release early exclusively through his website visit for more information. Stay tuned and go check out @H20daweatherman on all platforms follow him on instagram to get new updates on his music.